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Who Loves Me?



年龄/等级:5-8 / Level-2 / K-2

作 者:Maclachlan Patricia Charest

主 题:亲情、家庭 - 父母亲睡前故事科幻类   


  • 页 数:40
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:15.99 美元
  • 押 金:96 元
  • 逾期借阅费:16 元/月
Overview / 简介:
A tender ode to unconditional love.

A little girl asks the same question she must ask every night before drifting off to sleep...who loves me?

The result is a soothing and tender good–night tale brimming with heart, in which a little girl learns of the enormous love that surrounds her. Beloved author Patricia MacLachlan gives voice to that most elemental need, the need for love.

Newbery Medal winner Patricia MacLachlan's words are brought to life by Amanda Shepherd's playful and exquisitely painted illustrations. This inspired book of unconditional love and reassurance has all the makings of a classic.

Ages 4 – 8

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 3–In this simple, soothing bedtime story, a little girl asks the title question, and her striped orange cat offers a litany of those who love her until the child drifts off to sleep. Their quiet conversation covers everyone from her parents and brother to the family dog, who would love her even if she didn't give him treats. Shepherd's stylized illustrations are bathed in rich, warm shades of goldenrod and ochre, through which MacLachlan's cozy, comforting dialogue meanders like a song. A warm and lyrical selection.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
As a little girl gets ready for bed she ask her kitten an important question. She asks it "Who Loves Me? " The kitten tells her of all the people and animals that love her and why. From the mouse to her cousins and friends animals and humans alike have their own special reason for loving the little girl! When you read it aloud it sounds almost like a song. This story would make a great bedtime tale. All kids need to be told who loves them each and every day!

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