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Sky Color



年龄/等级:6-9 / Level-3 / 1-3

作 者:Peter H. Reynolds

主 题:自然界、环境、动植物   


  • 页 数:30
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:14 美元
  • 押 金:120 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月


Marisol loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help make a mural for the school library, she can’t wait to begin! But how can Marisol make a sky without blue paint? After gazing out the bus window and watching from her porch as day turns into night, she closes her eyes and starts to dream. . . . From the award-winning Peter H. Reynolds comes a gentle, playful reminder that if we keep our hearts open and look beyond the expected, creative inspiration will come.

Peter H.Reynolds 1961年出生于加拿大多伦多,著名童书作家、插画家。毕业于麻省理工学院艺术院,拥有自己的艺术工作室。雷诺兹的绘本作品风格独特、富有创意。代表作《点》曾荣获克里斯托弗大奖,多部作品荣登《纽约时报》图书畅销排行榜榜首。

Besides encouraging children to paint what they actually see rather than repeating the visual conventions they’ve learned, this original offering frames an apparent problem as a challenge with a simple solution. Rounding out the picture book series that began with THE DOT (2003), this fresh, whimsical picture book encourages the artist and the creative thinker in every child.
—Booklist (starred review)

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Sky Color 的借阅信息:

  •   Sky Color[条形码 71808673]     - 已被 女王妈妈 借出 归还日期2019-02-26
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