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年龄/等级:6-9 / Level-3 / 1-3


主 题:成长及个性发展阶段   


  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:5.99 美元
  • 押 金:40 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

Two young tooth fairies make their first lost-tooth collection in Bob Graham’s warm, whimsical tale.

A Junior Library Guild Selection. April Underhill, seven-year-old tooth fairy, gets a call on her cell phone. This is it! Her first tooth collection. April and her little sister, Esme, must convince Mom and Dad to let them take on the task all by themselves. But soon, two tiny fairies fly off into the night, over a highway of thundering eighteen-wheelers, eager to prove how grown up they can be. As always, the charm is in the visual details: the pony-tailed, winged dad in baggy jeans; the snug fairy house with teeth dangling from the rafters like wind chimes. Once again, Bob Graham has crafted a tale of heartwarming adventure, magical yet very real.

Bob Graham is the author-illustrator of many beloved books for children, including "LET'S GET A PUP!" SAID KATE; JETHRO BYRD, FAIRY CHILD; DIMITY DUMPTY: THE STORY OF HUMPTY'S LITTLE SISTER; and OSCAR'S HALF BIRTHDAY, which, in a starred review, SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL called "an effortlessly multicultural story, full of the joy of childhood, family, and community." Bob Graham lives in Australia.


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  •   April Underhill, Tooth Fairy[条形码 71816807]     - 在馆可借



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