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年龄/等级:3-6 / Pre-K

作 者:David Shannon

主 题:成长及个性发展阶段   


  • 页 数:34
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:0 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

David doesn't mean to get in trouble. It's not his fault most of the time, it's just an accident! or maybe he forgot something. Or some furniture got in the way. Once again, David Shannon proves he knows every excuse in the book-especially when faced with the age-old problem of dealing with grown-ups.

"No" and "David" were the first words David Shannon learned how to spell. Shannons Caldecott Honor Book No, David! is based on a book he made as a child showing a kid doing all the things he isnt supposed to do. In the sequel David Goes to School, it turns out that teachers say no, too. And in this third picture book, its Davids turn to talk back. What does he say when he gets in trouble? "I didnt mean to." (Skateboarding into a lamp table.) "It was an accident!" (Hitting a baseball into a window.) "I forgot!" (Happily walking down the street... in his underpants.) "But Dad says it!" (Boy in corner with mouth full of soap.) Of course, the cat-tail-pulling, burping, grape-juice-dropping, runny-egg-hating, out-of-control David wins us over in the end. A defiant "No, it wasnt me!" evolves into a guilt-ridden, late-at-night shout, "Yes! It was me! Im sorry. I love you, Mom." Awwww. Shannons expressive, childlike paintings of the round-headed, shark-toothed David-in-trouble perfectly capture the manic joys of early boyhood. (Ages 3 and older)
  That irrepressible fellow with the Charlie Brown head is back, trailing a whole new slew of disasters in his wake. In this follow-up to No, David! and David Goes to School, Shannon finally lets David get a word in edgewise as in "No! Its not my fault!" and "It was an accident!" In a series of hilarious snapshots of trouble-in-progress, David hurtles from one scrape to another. Anyone can sympathize with Davids trials and tribulations, whether he is scowling at his breakfast ("Do I have to?"), pulling the cats tail ("But she likes it!") or sitting sullenly on the bathroom floor, soap wedged firmly in mouth ("But Dad says it!"). The exuberant artwork crackles with energy and color (including backdrops in lime green and bittersweet orange), as Shannon carefully hews to a childs-eye view of the world (adults appear only as limbs and torsos). This memorable character is nothing short of a force of nature, from his scribbled eyes and hair to his shark-sharp teeth. In the end, its a confession ("Yes! It was me!") that allows him a peaceful nights sleep, with a womans tender hand and an "I love you, mom" hovering over his angelic (for now at least) round head. Readers will gladly call for "More, David!" Ages 3-up.
  “No”和“ David”是作者大卫香农五岁那年唯一会拼写的两个字。《大卫,不可以!》是他模仿自己5岁时的一次涂鸦而创作的,在五岁那年,他画了一生中的第一本图画书,记录了一件件他妈妈不允许他做的事情。在随后创作的《大卫上学去》里,老师也对他说“不可以!”。而在这本《大卫惹麻烦》里,轮到大卫自己开始顶嘴了。当他惹麻烦时,他总是会说:“我不是故意的。”,“这是个意外。”,“我忘记啦!”,“那是爸爸说的!”等等。他拒绝进食、大声问话、出言不逊……等等行为,都显示着大卫在尝试支配自己的生活,然而就在他津津乐道地为自己惹的麻烦寻找借口的时候,他说谎了。这一次,他真的受到了惩罚——黑暗中孤独的入睡。作者巧妙地将乏味的说教隐藏在故事之中,没有任何父母会容忍孩子说谎。当然,单纯善良的大卫很快意识到自己为什么受到惩罚,勇敢真诚的承认错误之后,大卫也第一次表达了对妈妈的爱。入睡后大卫坦然幸福的脸和妈妈温柔的手,让读者不禁又在期待,下一次大卫的归来!


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