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The Twin Giants



年龄/等级:8-11 / Level-5 / 2-4

作 者:Dick King-Smith

主 题:成长及个性发展阶段   


  • 页 数:75
  • 图书类型:Chapter Book,8-11,160页以内
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:4.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

图书简介:When twin giants set out in search of happiness, the result is a comedy of errors that is doubly clever and enormously funny.

"Isn’t he e-nor-mous!" says the giant father when his first twin son is born. "There’s a-lot-uv-’im!" notes the giant mother when the second twin boy arrives. And as Normus (a vegetarian) and Lottavim (a carnivore) grow and grow, the two are hugely happy — playing Roll the Boulder, singing badly, and doing everything together. But when the day comes for the hulking lads to seek the giantesses of their dreams, will going their separate ways only lead them into double trouble?

作者简介:Dick King-Smith——英美最为人熟知的农场动物小说作家。30多年来, 金史密斯写给孩子的小说与绘本远超过一百本。故事主角含括各种动物,主要描写人类所不知的动物世界,以及人与动物间的关系。他的农夫背景及对动物的观察与喜爱,使其笔下的故事格外生动、有说服力,并且获奖无数。

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