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年龄/等级:7-10 / Level-4 / 2-3

作 者:Charles M. Schulz

主 题:节日 - 情人节主题   


  • 页 数:127
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:0 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

About the story:

Linus is fond of his teacher, Miss Othmar. To prove his point, he buys her a huge heart-shaped box of chocolates. However, Violet warns him it is probably not smart to fall in love with a teacher. But Linus says that he's fond of the "ground she walks on." When he leaves Sally believes that Linus bought the candy for her, and decides to make him a valentine in return. Later, Lucy goes to a puppet show held by Snoopy. At the concessions stand, Lucy asks for popcorn. However, because Snoopy can't understand Lucy he gives her candy, then soda, and finally popcorn. With Charlie Brown narrating the show, Snoopy tells a story about true lovers that is a little too "interactive" for Lucy's taste.

Valentine's Day then comes and the gang brings valentine cards for everybody. Charlie Brown brings a briefcase hoping he will get lots of valentines. However, after the cards are passed out, it turns out Charlie Brown got none except for a very small candy heart reading "Forget It Kid". Linus also never gave his candy to Miss Othmar because she left with her boyfriend. Sally who still believes the box of candy is for her, is dismayed when he attempts to go after the teacher to give her the candy. Both heartbroken, they take their sadness and anger in different ways. Linus throws his chocolate off a bridge while Charlie Brown kicks his mailbox. The next day Violet gives Charlie Brown a used valentine, as an apology, despite Schroder berating Violet for buying a card for him the day after Valentine's Day and giving it to him out of guilt (though this is hypocrisy as he didn't give Lucy a valentine). As Charlie Brown and Linus meet at the brick wall later, Charlie Brown expresses hope that Violet's pity valentine will start a trend, and he'll get even more valentines the following year.

About the author:

Charles Monroe Schulz (1922 -2000) was a 20th-century American cartoonist best known for his Peanuts comic strip. He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, to Dena and Carl Schulz. His nickname "Sparky" was given by his uncle, after the horse Spark Plug in the Barney Google comic strip. He attended St. Paul's Richard Gordon Elementary School, where he skipped two half-grades. As a result, he was the youngest in his class when he attended St. Paul Central High years later, which may have been the reason why he was so shy and isolated as a young teenager. After his mother died in February, 1943, he was drafted into the army and sent to Camp Campbell in Kentucky. He was then shipped to Europe two years later to fight in World War II. After leaving the United States Army in 1945, he took a job as an art teacher at Art Instruction Inc., which he attended before he was drafted. First published by Robert Ripley in his Ripley's Believe It or Not!, then in a series of chronicles, The Saturday Evening Post, his first regular comic strip, Li'l Folks was published in 1947 by the St. Paul Pioneer Press. (It was in this strip that Charlie Brown first appeared, as well as a dog that looked much like Snoopy). In 1950 he approached the United Features Syndicate with his best strips from Li'l Folks, and Peanuts made its first appearance on October 2, 1950. This strip became one of the most popular comic strips of all time. He also had a short-lived sports-oriented comic strip called It's Only a Game (1957-1959), but abandoned that strip due to the demands of the success of Peanuts.

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