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年龄/等级:8-11 / Level-5 / 2-4

作 者:Rob Lloyd Jones & Stefano Togn

主 题:交通 - 乘用车   


  • 页 数:14
  • 图书类型:Activity Book
  • 装订类型:Board Book
  • 价 格:15.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

图书简介:Little racers will love this fascinating flap book, where they can find out how cars work, see them being made, and watch them roar around racetracks.
With over 60 flaps to lift and surprises on every page, this book is sure to keep little fingers and curious minds entertained.
Scenes include at the garage, in the factory and at the scrap yard.

其他网站书评:Seeing how her grandson was enjoying this book, my friend sent a copy to my grandson of the same age. Henry loves learning how cars work and how they are made. The only problem is that he wants to know even more, and is a bit frustrated that the book doesn't show every detail of the factory line, for example. We knew Henry could read a few words. One day, lifting the tabs, he started reading entire sentences, and now there's no stopping him. Apparently, the sentences under those tabs are both appealing and non-threatening in their contained way. Thanks, Usborne, for a great book! Henry and his older sister also have the one on science projects. -- Grateful Grandma

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