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年龄/等级:8-11 / Level-5 / 2-4

作 者:Newberry Clare Turlay

主 题:动物 - 农场动物社交 - 朋友相处一般话题类   


  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:6.99 美元
  • 押 金:70 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
In an interview my mother explained, "Every word about Oliver and Marshmallow is true, even to the drawing of them wrapped up in each other's paws. I know people find this hard to believe, but the bunny was so little and was so convinced that Oliver was his mother, what else could Oliver do? Anyway, we disproved the ancient belief that felines are always at sword's points with rodents, because this cat and bunny were the best of friends." Adult readers who had MARSHMALLOW as children may be pleased to know that Smithmark used my mother's original cover artwork (which survived for 56 years, 30 in my closets) for this reissue. And my thanks to the many warm emails of those same grownups anxiously awaiting this new publication of MARSHMALLOW. Felicia Noelle Trujillo

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Clare Turlay Newberry (1903-1970) was born in Eugene, Oregon. She studied art at the University of Oregon, School of the Portland Art Museum, the California School of Fine Arts, and La Grand Chaumire in Paris, France. She received the Caldecott Honor for four of her books: T-Bone, The Baby Sitter (1951); Marshmallow (1943); April's Kittens (1941); and Barkis (1939). In Ms. Newberry's own words, "Every word of marshmallow is true, even to the drawing of them wrapped in each other's arms. I know people find this hard to believe, but the bunny was so little and was so convinced that Oliver was his mother, what could Oliver do but be his mother the best way he could?"

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