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年龄/等级:0-3 / Birth-PreK

作 者:Crowley Joy

主 题:童话故事、传说类成长及个性发展阶段   


  • 页 数:8
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:3.99 美元
  • 押 金:40 元
  • 逾期借阅费:6 元/月

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vicky_xfh: 有趣的内容 2013-3-26 17:04:00

Crossing the road

Mrs Maggie Mox with her cat and her dog and two chickens in a box crossed the road.
Mrs Maggie Mox didn’t have her glasses on. She didn’t see that the light was red.
A woman in a blue car, said:“Look out! Look out!”
The blue car stopped just in time.
A yellow taxi put on its brakes and ran into the blue car.
A white van went toot-toot-toot.
Then it hit the yellow taxi with a bang!
A red fire engine, with its siren going, ran into the white van.
A truck with tomatoes ran into the fire engine.
A police car ran into the truck with tomatoes.
A milk tanker ran into the police car.
What a mess!
The people growled and shouted.
Mrs Maggie Mox with her cat and her dog and two chickens in a box got to the other side of the road.
Mrs Maggie Mox put on her glasses.
“Look at that accident!”
Said Mrs Maggie Mox to her cat and her dog and two chickens in a box.
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ruby: 很贴近生活的一本教育有趣书 2013-4-15 12:01:00
Mrs. Maggie Mox过马路时没带眼镜,闯红灯了,引发了一排的车追尾,过来马路,Mr.Maggie Mox带上眼镜,来了一句what a mess,全然不知是自己的错。这本书很薄,对于2岁3个月的孩子文字也算不少。借助图画,加上普通的日常情景,孩子很容易理解这本书,图画中有一页追尾 的全景图,让孩子找找每个车里的司机都在哪里,还有他们的表情… 总之,很有教育意义,也很贴近我们的生活。
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qjwtf: 大孩子也很喜欢 2014-3-24 9:29:00
仍然是先读图。一上来小朋友就先发现了很多的细节,比如狗狗和猫猫不愿意过马路,小动物们都很害怕的样子,只有Maggie笑眯眯;再翻一页,哎哟,红 灯,小朋友发现Maggie是在闯红灯;接下来就是交通事故,各种车撞一起。为什么Maggie要闯红灯呢?小朋友很疑惑,直到翻到最后一页,原 来,Maggie没戴眼睛看不清红绿灯。书本各中细节生动地描述着这个故事的过程,小朋友很容易理解,读英文的时候就更不排斥。8岁的大孩子,也很喜欢。
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