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年龄/等级:3-6 / Pre-K

作 者:Carle Eric

主 题:动物 - 爬行动物   


  • 页 数:40
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:6.99 美元
  • 押 金:70 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月
Overview / 简介:
Except for catching flies and changing colors occasionally, this chameleon doesn't find life very exciting. When a surprise visit to the zoo makes this wistful lizard realize it can change its shape and size as easily as its color, it ends up wanting to be like all the animals in the zoo at once--with hilarious results. Full-color illustrations.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
We read this book after Brown Bear and Polar Bear and about the same time as Hungry Caterpillar. While my 2 1/2 year old son, Brian, loves all of his Eric Carle books, he's particularly taken with this mixed-up chameleon. From the first page, there are already new concepts to grasp, such as seeing the chameleon turn "brownish" after it moved onto a "brown" tree, "reddish" on a "red" flower, and "yellowish" on the "yellow" sand. That's just Page 1. Subsequently, Brian would then read out loud, how "I wish I could be HANDSOME like a flamingo,"..."smart like a fox",..."funny like a seal" at which point he'll go "hahahahaha". He's only had the book for 3 weeks and he's already "reading" almost the whole book by himself. The story has a moral to it too, about how the chameleon, after wishing to be all the things it wasn't, ended up so mixed-up that it finally wished "I could be myself." We have great fun reading about the chameleon together, as we do about the other Eric Carle characters: hungry caterpillar, brown bear, polar bear, and little cloud.

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ruby: 可以适合不同水平的孩子看的书 2013-8-27 13:24:00
这本书还是很简单的,孩子2岁7个月,对里面的各类动物都知道。就是开始那段,变色龙一会变brownish,一会reddish,一会yellowish,是新词(我也没咋接触过这几个词),孩子很喜欢这几个词,一会就brownish/reddish/yellowish的说,还学到处爬。喜欢和我玩变色龙抓苍蝇那一段的互动游戏。表演only eyes move up, down, and sideway.. then a long sticky tongue shot out and caught the fly….最近特别喜欢玩“角色”游戏,假装游戏,过家家。差不多当这本书为游戏书了:)。总之,可以适合不同水平的孩子看的书。

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