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年龄/等级:3-6 / Pre-K

作 者:Lobel Anita

主 题:动物 - 宠物   


  • 页 数:40
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Hardcover
  • 价 格:20.99 美元
  • 押 金:126 元
  • 逾期借阅费:21 元/月
Overview / 简介:
A simple—and simply beautiful—story for young cat lovers.

One beautiful autumn day, Nini, a little tabby cat, sees that the door is open. The garden and nearby woods seem to beckon her to explore. Nini thinks the great outdoors is really, really, really nice . . . until night falls and strange animals begin sniffing and hooting and lurking about. Suddenly there is no place like home. This warm and reassuring picture book speaks to children whose curiosity has tempted them to “run away” from home. Caldecott Honor Book artist Anita Lobel’s illustrations have never been more beautiful. Endearing portraits of her own beloved Nini cat in a lush autumnal setting will gladden the hearts of cat lovers of all ages.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreS-Gr 2–The feline heroine of Nini Here and There (Greenwillow, 2007) is back in a book that captures all of the charm of its predecessor. When a door is accidently left open, Nini seizes the opportunity to explore a world that is wider and wilder than the familiar, cozy confines of her own house. The foliage and critters lure her farther away, and Nini revels in their delights until night falls. Suddenly, what was welcoming and beautiful becomes menacing to the little cat. But all ends well, with a philosophical Nini reflecting that there still might be more adventures in her future. The feline's world, both inside and out, is full of lush details that Lobel renders with gouache and watercolor illustrations. Although the illustrations are heavily detailed and full of things to see, the pages do not appear cluttered because of the white space that frames each picture. The white space disappears once night falls and the pictures, suitably, feel claustrophobic. Nini's own epiphany is best revealed by the two window shots that open and close the book; the title page shows her in close-up, sitting in a window, gazing out. She is framed by the sill, boxed in, and safe. The final image is Nini again in that window, but the perspective is from across the yard, so that she is but a small creature gazing upon the outside landscape that dominates the scene. This is an attractive, quiet book to share with young adventurers.

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  •   Nini Lost and Found[条形码 81017362]     - 已被 典佳 借出 归还日期2018-07-23
  •   Nini Lost and Found[条形码 81017416]     - 在馆可借



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