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年龄/等级:6-9 / Level-3 / 1-3

作 者:Awdry Rev. W.

主 题:交通 - 火车、轨道交通童话故事、传说类   


  • 页 数:24
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:3.99 美元
  • 押 金:40 元
  • 逾期借阅费:6 元/月
Series / 所属系列:
Thomas & Friends: 英国儿童电视动画剧《火车头托马斯和伙伴们》诞生60年来,其电视动画剧不但是英国学龄前儿童节目的头名状元,也横扫北美,动画节目被翻译成45种语言。在美国,同样的初绘绘本、DVD外, 各种玩具、服装、儿童活动场所到处都是 Thomas 火车头的形象。 托马斯这一形象诞生于1945年英国艾屈莱牧师创作的小说《铁路系列故事》,1984年被制作成动画《火车头托马斯和朋友们》并陆续在185个国家地区播出。美国耶鲁大学教育学博士桃乐茜?辛格和哲学博士杰罗姆?辛格曾表示,低幼儿童发展时期若使用托马斯铁路系统玩具作为核心教育工具,可以满足主要智力开发的需求。

Overview / 简介:
Thomas and the Really Useful Engines are working hard getting the new airport ready for the grand opening. Then a terrible storm slows them down, and soon it is clear that all the engines are going to have to work together. The steamies and the diesels have never gotten along very well, but Lady appears in Thomas’ dream and tells him it will be all right. But can they count on help from the biggest diesel of them all–Diesel 10?

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I love these little Thomas books. For a minimal price you can add to your child's library and foster a love of reading. In this Thomas and Friends story, the Steamies and the Diesels learn that they need to get along if they are going to be `really useful engines'. Summer has come to Sodor along with an ambitious plan of construction. Pleased with the completion of the new Sodor suspension bridge, Sir Topham Hatt announces that he needs all the engines to help build an airport to bring in the all important tourist trade. Everything starts out well, but soon the Steamies and the Diesels are at cross purposes. As the author writes, "[T]he diesels bumped Thomas and biffed Percy." And [s]oon the diesels and the Steamies were biffing and banging and being bashed all over the island." And if that was not bad enough a bad hurricane sweeps over the island causing great damage so that not only do they need to keep working on the airport, but they need to rebuild and clean up at other locations. Considering all the biffing and bashing that doesn't seem likely and all seems lost until Thomas has a dream in which he sees Lady working side by side with Rusty (a diesel). Lady tells him in the dream that "[W]e always finish our jobs when we work together. This makes up Thomas' mind and he approaches Mavis (one of the nice diesels, like Salty) with the idea of putting aside *all* of the arguments so that they can *all* be really useful engines. Word gets round and soon everyone is working hard and pulling together. Five Stars. Good read-aloud. This book is particularly popular in our home because of the many different engines that are pictured. A sample of text follows: The next morning when Thomas woke up, he had an idea. First he went straight to see Mavis. Mavis was a kind diesel engine, and Thomas knew she would listen. He told Mavis that he wanted the steam engines and the diesels to work together. Mavis agreed... it was the only way to get the airport open in time. "Let's have a big meeting with al of the engines at the coaling Stop tomorrow," Thomas puffed.

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