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年龄/等级:5-8 / Level-2 / K-2

作 者:Jackson Alison Tricia Tusa

主 题:节日 - 情人节主题科幻类   


  • 页 数:24
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:6.99 美元
  • 押 金:70 元
  • 逾期借阅费:11 元/月
Overview / 简介:
"In a cabin, in a canyon,/ Near a mountain laced with pine,/ Lived a girl who was my sweetheart,/ and her name was Valentine," begins Jackson's (I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie) clever adaptation of the familiar folksong "Clementine." Tusa's (Mrs. Spitzer's Garden) sure black line and watercolors add another layer of hilarity to this story-in-song of a resourceful mountain lady and her harried suitor who, through a string of missteps, keep failing to connect. After giving his love letters "to a mailman/ To deliver, rain or shine," Valentine's beau tries more imaginative means, including a homing pigeon that gets sidetracked in Madagascar, and skywriting ("But the wind erased three letters,/ And you're now my -al-n-ine"). Meanwhile, the paintings show the industrious, pointy-nosed object of his affection just missing each message as she tends to frontier chores with a brisk cheeriness. The artist reassuringly establishes from the outset that the feeling is mutual: he keeps a picture of Valentine on his piano; she keeps a cameo of him on her bureau. Attentive readers will detect that the sweethearts' homes are not so far apart, and as the lovestruck fellow misses his target repeatedly, Valentine begins a holiday token of her own affection. It's finally Valentine's personal presentation of her gift that leads to the pair's rendezvous. This inspired treatment of an age-old tale communicates plenty about love. Ages 4-8.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
"In a cabin, in a canyon,/ Near a mountain laced with pine,/ Lived a girl who was my sweetheart,/ and her name was Valentine," begins Jackson's (I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie) clever adaptation of the familiar folksong "Clementine." Tusa's (Mrs. Spitzer's Garden) sure black line and watercolors add another layer of hilarity to this story-in-song of a resourceful mountain lady and her harried suitor who, through a string of missteps, keep failing to connect. After giving his love letters "to a mailman/ To deliver, rain or shine," Valentine's beau tries more imaginative means, including a homing pigeon that gets sidetracked in Madagascar, and skywriting ("But the wind erased three letters,/ And you're now my -al-n-ine"). Meanwhile, the paintings show the industrious, pointy-nosed object of his affection just missing each message as she tends to frontier chores with a brisk cheeriness. The artist reassuringly establishes from the outset that the feeling is mutual: he keeps a picture of Valentine on his piano; she keeps a cameo of him on her bureau. Attentive readers will detect that the sweethearts' homes are not so far apart, and as the lovestruck fellow misses his target repeatedly, Valentine begins a holiday token of her own affection. It's finally Valentine's personal presentation of her gift that leads to the pair's rendezvous. This inspired treatment of an age-old tale communicates plenty about love. Ages 4-8. Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
How can I possibly be the first person to review this book? It is absolutely delightful. I sang it to every class in our school last year, to their delight and mine. I was disappointed to realize that I'd probably only be sharing it with the kindergartners this year. But... many who knew it wanted a repeat! Both the verses and the art are clever, and funny. There are enough details to find something new every time. Though I have used Amazon for years, this is the first book review I've ever written. More people should know about this book, because it's a keeper. (Remember if you sing it that the chorus only appears the first time; you'll have to remember it, and when to sing it.)

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