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年龄/等级:10 & UP / 4 & UP

作 者:Tara Sullivan

主 题:成长及个性发展阶段   


  • 页 数:356
  • 图书类型:Chapter Book,8-11,160页以内
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:8.99 美元
  • 押 金:0 元
  • 逾期借阅费:0 元/月

~From Booklist

Born albino in a Tanzanian village, Habo suffers virulent prejudice for his pale skin, blue eyes, and yellow hair, even from his own family. At 13, he runs away to the city of Dar-es-Salaam, where he thinks he will find more acceptance: there are even two albino members of the government there. He finds a home as an apprentice to a blind sculptor who knows Habo is a smart boy with a good heart, and he teaches Habo to carve wood. But Habo is being pursued by a poacher who wants to kill him and sell his body parts on the black market to superstitious buyers in search of luck. Readers will be caught by the contemporary story of prejudice, both unspoken and violent, as tension builds to the climax. Just as moving is the bond the boy forges with his mentor, and the gripping daily events: Habo gets glasses for his weak eyes, discovers the library, and goes to school at last. The appended matter includes a Swahili glossary and suggestions for documentary videos. Grades 8-12. --Hazel Rochman --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


"Readers will be caught by the contemporary story of prejudice, both unspoken and violent, as tension builds to the climax."— Booklist

"A moving novel that explores finding the worth of an individual as they see themselves, not as the world sees them."—VOYA

"A riveting snapshot of one Tanzanian boy who makes himself matter."—Kirkus Reviews, starred review

“Readers will be haunted by Habo’s voice as he seeks a place of dignity and respect in society. An important and affecting story.”—School Library Journal, starred review

“Harrowing but ultimately redemptive…the murder of Tanzania's albinos is a real and horrific phenomenon of the past 15 years, a cold fact that makes the fictional events in ‘Golden Boy’ more moving and consequential than those in any dystopian young-adult chase-drama.”—The Wall Street Journal

"Golden Boy is an amazing story of prejudice, bravery and acceptance. From the very first page, I was captivated by Habo and his struggle to find his place in the world."—Kristin Levine, critically acclaimed author of The Lions of Little Rock

"A commandingly written debut, Golden Boy is a moving, gorgeous account of what it means to feel profoundly different when the stakes are survival itself."—Eliot Schrefer, author of National Book Award Finalist Endangered

"Through the course of the story Habo grows from a dependent character to one who is strong enough to defend himself and others against injustice. Well-written and researched..."—LMC

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