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  • 页 数:32
  • 图书类型:Picture Book
  • 装订类型:Softcover
  • 价 格:3.99 美元
  • 押 金:40 元
  • 逾期借阅费:6 元/月
Overview / 简介:
Dog and Bear are best friends. When Bear is stuck on a chair, Dog helps him get down. When Dog wants to play, Bear plays with him. And when Dog wants to change his name, Bear helps him choose a new one . . . or does he?

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2—This pitch-perfect addition to the much-honored annals of impetuous Dog and careful Bear's friendship will find a ready and delighted audience. In "Uh-Oh," Dog's creative attempt to extricate a bucket stuck on Bear's head backfires when it pops off and descends smack on Dog's head—a visual joke young listeners and lookers will love. "Oops" describes Dog's high-flying bed-jumping stunts, to which a worried Bear responds by surreptitiously creating a soft landing pad on the floor next to the bed. Sure enough, Dog is grateful. Bear organizes Dog's scattered belongings with boxes marked "A," "B," "C" in "Alphabetical Order," but still manages to misplace Dog's beloved sock monkey. Dog's thoughtful interpretation of Bear's creative alphabetizing underscores their loyal friendship. As with Two Friends, Three Stories (2007) and Two's Company (2008, both Roaring Brook), these tales are joyfully distilled in minimal dialogue and Seeger's trademark use of bright, bold swathes of primary color and strong black line in contrast with a white background. This palette ties in visually with its predecessors, yet presents a fresh take in its use of blue as the predominant cover and endpaper color. Whether listeners or emerging readers, children who are already friends with Dog and Bear will delight in these latest adventures, and those who are new to their escapades have a treat in store.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is an adorable picture book that shows how a dog and a teddy bear live together as friends. First the dog has to help his friend bear down from a chair. After much talking and coaxing, the bear is finally able to get down from the chair. Then the dog wants to play. He will try anything, but the bear just wants to read. When the bear realizes that the dog just wants to be friends, he agrees to play. Next the dog wants to change his name, but bear does not think it is a good idea. As they tryout many different names, they both agree that his name should stay as it is. This book is truly three different stories, but as you are reading it just feels like you are in a day with these two friends. The interactions between the two are just like it would be if these were children of about four or five years old. The two friends seem to solve problems in a manner that young children would. The drawings are very simplistic using mostly bright colors to attract attention. There are pictures on every page to help you feel what is happening. It is a good book for teaching children how to be caring and patient with their peers.

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  •   Dog and Bear: Two Friends, Three Stories[条形码 81002283]     - 在馆可借



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